Expert Advice: Beware of Social Media Challenges

Lavonne Clifford


Lavonne Clifford


Jul 5, 2023

Expert Advice: Beware of Social Media Challenges

Your kids might be participating or witnessing others take part in social media challenges that can cause extreme harm. One example: The Sleepy Chicken Challenge.

This challenge is so dangerous that the FDA issued a warning on it in September of 2022. The challenge first emerged on TikTok encouraging viewers to coat their chicken in NyQuil and then eat it. This challenge poses an extreme risk for overdosing on the cough and cold medicine and is unsafe.  

Unfortunately this is not the first unsafe social media challenge, and it won’t be the last. Other known challenges include the Benadryl Challenge, the Choking/Pass Out Challenge, the Tide Pod Challenge, Ice and Salt Challenge, The Outlet Challenge, the Hot Water Challenge, and more. 

There is, however, some positive news, or at least a beacon of hope we can cling to despite these deadly challenges that are gaining popularity. If parents have awareness of these challenges and can speak with their children of the risks, there’s a good chance many youngsters will opt not to participate in them. I encourage all parents to continue to research social media challenge trends and look for signs that can be associated with them.

Here are some of the signs of dangers associated with social media challenges:

Physical Harm

Certain challenges involve risky or dangerous activities that can lead to physical injuries. For example, challenges that involve extreme stunts, dares, or acts of self-harm can put participants at risk of accidents, falls, or other harmful outcomes. Look for signs of blood shot eyes and petechiae (small little red or purple spots) on your child’s face and neck as an indicator that they have been participating in the dangerous challenges.

Emotional and Psychological Impact

Social media challenges often generate pressure and peer influence which can negatively impact the emotional well-being of participants. The desire for validation and acceptance can push individuals to engage in activities they are uncomfortable with or that go against their values, leading to feelings of stress, anxiety, or humiliation.

Cyberbullying and Harassment

Participating in a challenge can make individuals vulnerable to online bullying or harassment. Some challenges may involve public scrutiny, body shaming, or negative comments, which can severely impact a person's self-esteem and mental health.

Privacy Concerns 

Social media challenges often require participants to share personal information or videos online. This can lead to privacy breaches, as participants may unknowingly disclose sensitive details that can be exploited by the wrong person.

Encouragement of Risky Behaviors

Certain challenges glamorize or normalize dangerous activities, encouraging others to engage in similar behavior. This can have serious consequences, particularly for younger or impressionable individuals who may not fully understand the risks involved.

Spread of Misinformation 

Social media challenges can sometimes involve spreading false information or conspiracy theories. This can contribute to the dissemination of inaccurate information, leading to confusion, fear, or harm to individuals who believe and act upon such content.

Legal Implications

Engaging in certain challenges may violate laws or regulations. For example, challenges that involve trespassing, property damage, or harassment can result in legal consequences for participants.

Lastly, I highly encourage parents to have access to their children’s social media accounts. This may seem overwhelming or a tough ask, but luckily there are resources and tools out there to help.

There are over ten parental content apps on the market that can do this. One popular app is Bark. On here you can set daily screen time limits, block specific websites, get alerts on bullying and explicit content, and they offer location tracking. Do your research and see what will be the best fit for your family. 

About the Expert:

Lavonne Clifford is the owner of NP Clinic and has over 21 years of nursing experience. She uses different methods, both traditional and non-traditional approaches for treatment, to care for her patients. Her goal is to treat underlying conditions to improve the overall health. 

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