WHHS Looking Forward to Multiplying Crossroads Scholarship Impact for 2024-2025 Graduating Class





Aug 26, 2024

WHHS Looking Forward to Multiplying Crossroads Scholarship Impact for 2024-2025 Graduating Class

From the Desk of White House High School Assistant Principle Kyle Gilliland:

We are thrilled to announce an update to our partnership with the Crossroads Scholarship, in  memory of Odell and Esterlene Starks, to continue the scholarship fund for White House High  School students who embody our community’s values. In an exciting development, an anonymous  alum of WHHS has pledged to match up to $100,000 in scholarship donations in 2024,  amplifying our efforts to support deserving students in their pursuit of higher education. The  extraordinary gesture further demonstrates our community’s commitment to investing in the future  of our students. 

With the ongoing support from our generous donors and the anticipated contributions from the  matching gift, we aim to achieve our fundraising goal of $200,000 ($100,000 donated + $100,000  matching gift). This milestone will enable us to expand our scholarship program and offer up to  eight scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year, building upon the success of previous  years. The foundation awarded scholarships to two students in 2023 and three in 2024. 

Additionally, we have introduced the White House High School Class Challenge for alumni. This  will go hand in hand with the $100,000 match as mentioned above. We challenge each WHHS class to raise $5,000 towards the scholarship fund for 2024. The class that raises the most money will  have a scholarship named in their honor during the awards ceremony in 2024, fostering friendly competition and camaraderie among our alumni.

These much-needed scholarship funds will provide invaluable opportunities for our students to  continue their education, ultimately adding value to our community. In honor of the Starks family,  the foundation will continue to award Crossroads Scholarships to students who exhibit excellence in character and academics. 

We could not be more excited to collaborate with our dedicated partners, including families,  businesses, and community stakeholders, in our shared mission to empower the next generation  of leaders. Together, we will continue to nurture a learning environment where students can grow  and thrive, thanks to the vision and support of the Crossroads Scholarship. 

Thank you to all our supporters for your unwavering commitment to our students and our White  House community. All monies donated will be 100% tax deductible. Any and all donations are  appreciated. 

Mail to: Shane Starks 169 Braxton Lane East Hendersonville, TN 37075 


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