Three WHHS Students Selected for Middle TN Vocal Association Honors Choir

Rachel Allison


Rachel Allison


Nov 13, 2023

Three WHHS Students Selected for Middle TN Vocal Association Honors Choir

One freshman and two seniors from White House High School were selected for the Middle Tennessee Vocal Association Honors Choir Program, a prestigious honor.

Ninth-grader Mary Beth McKnight made SSAA (Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Alto 1, Alto 2) Freshman Honors Choir, Kinnedi Quinn (12th grade) was selected for SSAA Mid State Honors Choir, and Z Hanks (12th grade) was selected for both TTBB (Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Bass 1, Bass 2) Mid State Honors Choir and Tennessee Music Educators Association All-State TTBB Choir with spots for this particular group only being offered to the top 18 spots per voice group. 

Auditions took place October 20-21 at Blackman High School in Murfreesboro. Approximately 1,400 students from Middle Tennessee auditioned.  

Ninth-grade students prepared one song that was assigned by the Middle Tennessee Vocal Association (MTVA) and performed it in a blind audition.  They also were required to sight read a short passage.

The 10th through 12th grade students were required to sing two selected sections from two pieces —one in Latin, and one in English —as well as a short sight reading passage during their blind audition.  

“The students chose to audition, although I encouraged them to do so,” says WHHS Vocal Music Director Bethany Stepleton. “They used practice tracks to learn the music on their own.  I was here to offer support, clarification on notes and language for the Latin piece, and any additional help they needed. But to be honest, all three of these young people took it on themselves and never looked back!”

The freshman event will take place on January 25, 2024 with a full day of rehearsals followed by the concert that evening. The 10th through 12th grades event will be rehearsed November 13-14, with a concert taking place the evening of the 14th. All events will be held at Belle Aire Baptist Church in Murfreesboro.  

The Tennessee Music Educators Association (TMEA) hosts the All-State Choir at the TMEA conference at Opryland Hotel in April.

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