White House Middle School student, Logan McAfee, never owned a bicycle until last week. Thanks to a kind and caring teacher, he is now the proud owner of a brand new bicycle and helmet.
Shannon Sisk, a CDC Assistant, works alongside Logan’s mother, Kellie McAfee, also a CDC Assistant, at H.B. Williams Elementary School.
“Kellie told me that Logan needed a bike to ride so he would have something to do this summer break,” said Sisk.
The two of them had been looking online for cheap options with little luck. Then one morning Sisk ran into Sgt. Enck from the White House Police Department at school and asked for his help.
“I knew how involved he has been in providing bicycles for people in our community,” said Sisk.
Turns out White House P.D. did have a bicycle Logan’s size available. They purchased some training wheels and a helmet, and they arranged for Logan to receive the bicycle after school that same day.
“Logan was thrilled when he saw the bike and helmet and was grinning from ear to ear with the generous gift,” said Sisk.
Logan has been loving riding his new bike, according to his mom. “Logan has ridden his bike every day since he got it,” McAfee said. “His older brother has been an awesome help with teaching him riding skills. I think he has mastered it without using the training wheels.”
Logan has an awesome summer to look forward to thanks to one simple, kind gesture.