Notes from the Editor: Positivity is Catching

Rachel Allison


Rachel Allison


May 26, 2023

Notes from the Editor: Positivity is Catching

What an amazing two weeks of Stay Positive News it has been! Positivity is catching on all around us. 

Our reach has surpassed 16,000 people in the last seven days through website traffic, Facebook, and Instagram. That is 16,000 people whose moods were boosted thanks to the optimism and hope our articles have provided. That’s a lot of people for our small little neck of the woods, y’all!

We have published stories this week about a non-profit winning a grant, a ballerina who completely recovered from a broken back, a community raising funds for a service dog for a family in need, a local farmer’s market doubling in size, a church making a difference in low income neighborhoods, a family who has raised over $350k for Cystic Fibrosis in the last ten years, 8U softball rivals who chose kindness on the field, and so much more. 

In these articles, we have given our readers explicit ways to volunteer, donate, or take action to help better their community. Our Stay Positive News writers have poured their hearts and souls into researching and writing these articles. They are the main reason why positive news is reaching our community, and I’m incredibly proud of them. 

We also signed on three new sponsors this week: Mark Reid Insurance, Valerie Webb & Associates, and Eric Burner with Rock Castle Wealth Management. Those three are in addition to the four sponsors we signed on prior to even launching our website: The Barn Store and Barn Depot, NP Clinic, Fitness:1440 of White House, and YESCO Sign & Lighting. Welcome to the SPN family! We are extremely appreciative of your faith and trust in us, and we look forward to bringing you more business!

Now that I’ve finished not-so-humble bragging on our team, I’m going to ask for your help. If you’re reading this, you probably care about Stay Positive News just as much as we do– so thank you for all you’ve done, and we hope you will consider helping a bit more! 

Here’s how:

  1. Invite your friends to “like” our page on Facebook. This will take you less than a minute. All you need to do is go to the Stay Positive News Facebook page and hit the blue “Invite” button. If it gives you the option to invite 1000 friends with one click, do it. If not, choose a few who live in Sumner or Robertson county to send it to. 
  2. Share our stories on Facebook. Read something that brings you to (happy) tears? Share. Read about your old teacher beating cancer? Share. It’s easy to do, it’s free to do, and you are literally making other people’s days better because you clicked a button. 
  3. Keep sending us leads! We are not going to know all of the amazing things going on around us unless you tell us. Many of the stories we wrote this week were direct leads that came from our readers. I promise you, if you send us something, we will follow up on it. 
  4. Consider advertising with us. If you are a local business owner, we are offering a really great deal to get in with us on the ground level. Think about how good it’s going to look for your business when you tell your customers or potential customers that you are supporting the ONLY positive news website in Middle Tennessee. 

I didn’t know this was possible, but I am even more excited about Stay Positive News than I was the day we launched our website. Can’t wait to see what week three brings!

P.S. Come see us Wednesday, May 31 from 3:30 to 7:30 pm at the White House Farmers Market and get a free T-shirt!

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