Navigating the Chill: Essential Winter Driving Safety Tips for Tennesseans

Mark Reid


Mark Reid


Feb 1, 2024

Navigating the Chill: Essential Winter Driving Safety Tips for Tennesseans

The Volunteer State may not be known for its harsh winters, but the occasional snow and ice can make road conditions treacherous. To ensure safe travels during the colder months, it's crucial for Tennesseans to familiarize themselves with winter driving safety tips.

Stay Informed

The first step to winter driving safety is staying informed about the weather conditions. Regularly check local weather forecasts, road reports, and advisories before hitting the road. If adverse weather is expected, consider delaying your trip or opting for alternative routes with better road conditions.

Maintain Your Vehicle

Winter weather can be tough on your vehicle, so make sure it's ready for the challenges. Check your tires regularly, ensuring they have adequate tread depth and are properly inflated. Replace windshield wiper blades and fill up on windshield washer fluid to maintain clear visibility. It's also crucial to keep your car's battery in good condition, as cold temperatures can strain it. 

Pack an Emergency Kit

Tennessee winters can bring unexpected challenges, and having an emergency kit in your vehicle can make all the difference. Include essentials such as a blanket, extra clothing, non-perishable snacks, a flashlight, and a first aid kit. Additionally, keep a shovel, ice scraper, and sand or cat litter in your trunk to provide traction in case you get stuck.

Drive Slowly and Steadily

When winter weather hits, the key to safe driving is slowing down. Reduced speeds provide more time to react to slippery conditions and unexpected obstacles. Increase your following distance to at least three times the normal distance to allow for ample stopping time. Avoid sudden movements, such as sharp turns or rapid acceleration, to maintain control of your vehicle.

Brake with Caution

Braking on icy or snowy roads requires a gentle touch. Use the heel-and-toe method to avoid skidding – press the brake pedal with your heel and pivot your foot to apply steady pressure. If your vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS), apply firm, continuous pressure on the brake pedal.

Beware of Black Ice

Black ice, a nearly invisible layer of ice that forms on roadways, can be particularly hazardous. Be especially cautious on bridges, overpasses, and shaded areas, as they tend to freeze first. If you encounter black ice, refrain from sudden movements and try to coast over it without accelerating, braking, or turning.

As winter settles in Tennessee, embracing these winter driving safety tips can make a significant difference in ensuring safe travels for all residents. However, making sure your vehicle is properly insured in case of an accident is perhaps the most important thing you can do. 

If you have car insurance, it’s never a bad idea to speak with your agent and review exactly what kind of coverage you have, and our team would be happy to speak with any existing or new clients to review their plans. 

Winter may bring its challenges, but with the right precautions, Tennesseans can confidently face the season's icy embrace on the roads. Don’t wait until it’s too late. 

About the Expert:

Mark Reid opened the doors of Mark Reid Insurance, February 1, 1989. Mark has led the charge to provide great protection, affordable pricing, and trust to grow his agency to what it is now. Today, they have a staff of six and offer many markets for both personal lines and commercial. His staff is licensed and knowledgeable of each phase of the insurance realm with many years experience. 

Mark is very involved in his community. For many years, he coached youth baseball and volunteered as assistant coach on the high school basketball team. Mark is past chairman of the White House Area Chamber of Commerce, and most recently on the Board of Directors at The Credit Union for Robertson County. His referral program has allowed his agency to donate over $10,000 the past several years to the American Cancer Society and American Heart Association.




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