Ms. Mabel: Truth Be Told





Dec 13, 2024

Ms. Mabel: Truth Be Told

Dear Ms. Mabel,

I’m dreading the holidays. My family and I do not align politically and our time together will inevitably end in a fight. I’m thinking about skipping the get-togethers completely. Do you think that would be best?

Squeamish about a skirmish,

Cross Plains, TN

Truth be told, I heard this question coming like a freight train at midnight. Y’all are a predictable bunch, at least.

Now, assuming – based on the fact that you are asking me a question to begin with – that you are an avid reader of my column, you should darn well know what my answer is going to be.

What’s the matter with you? GO TO THE FAMILY DINNERS, you silly goose!

Now, no matter if you’re red or blue (or green or pink if you're into that sort of thing), I think we can all agree that the world we’re living in right now is all sorts of messed up. We’ve got a lot of work to do. Don’t let yourself get all caught up in a battle taking place hundreds of miles away and start where you can really do some good – with your own family around your own table (or theirs).

If you know that political discussions are going to bring about conflict, then don’t talk about politics. It’s really that simple. Instead, focus on the good things happening around you. Matter of fact, shift your focus entirely outside of yourself for a little bit. Create a little holiday magic. Be grateful. Be gracious. Be loving. And be kind.

Be a peacemaker.

Your family will be your family for a lot longer than any of this other stuff will last.

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