May Student of the Month: Jonah Ortman





May 3, 2024

May Student of the Month: Jonah Ortman

Jonah Ortman has been a Beta student at East Robertson for 3 years and has always had the biggest heart for service and been the best supporter of all of their activities.  He always says, "I'll do any competition or event you need, as long as I don't have to speak in front of people."

This year, the Project Proposal for Junior Beta was Sugar Saver kits for students in Robertson County who have juvenile diabetes.  Jonah was diagnosed with Type I diabetes in elementary school, so this was a great project for him, but would it would require speaking.  He was a little hesitant and nervous at first but was also excited.  

When it came time to prep for the event, he was the best helper, explaining to the other students on the team about diabetes and why we needed the items for the kits.  He also cheered younger members of the team on when they started getting nervous before the presentation.  You could see his desire to serve others outweighing his nervousness and fears!

Jonah was a true leader!  We received comments from other adults who met him during the presentation who were so impressed with his leadership and desire to help those kids who might be nervous, scared, or left out because of a chronic illness.  Jonah is a true representation of a student we should celebrate!

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