High Schoolers Learn Self Worth and Self Defense





May 15, 2023

High Schoolers Learn Self Worth and Self Defense

On Friday, May 5, nearly 30 young women in the senior class at White House Heritage High School voluntarily participated in a course on self worth and self defense led by White House Police Sergeant Eric Enck and five volunteers. 

Sgt. Enck developed the SPEARE program fifteen years ago and has been offering it at the end of each school year. SPEARE stands for Self Protection, Environmental Awareness, and Rape Education. The course consists of one hour of physical training and two hours of lecture.

Lecture topics cover social media safety, self-esteem, self-confidence, work ethic, and relationships. The physical training portion teaches basic self defense and good tips for staying safe in public.

Sgt. Enck is extremely passionate about educating women in these topics. “As my daughter got older, and I realized what our preteen and teen girls were dealing with, it became especially important to me to instill confidence in her and everyone who attends a SPEARE class,” said Enck.

“It is important for women of all ages to have the means and abilities to defend themselves not only physically but also mentally,” he continued. 

White House Heritage High School Principal, Kim Hass also believes the course each year is valuable for her students. She commented, “I feel that it is important to give girls every opportunity to learn how to protect themselves.” 

The young women who participated walked away more confident informed about their safety and abilities than ever before.

According to Meredith Redfern, a White House Heritage High School senior, “It was very enjoyable. I feel like everyone there was able to learn. It was very hands on. I feel more comfortable going outside and to stores now that I have taken that class.”

The volunteers at the event were Darrell Manlove, Ryan Cassavan, Jasmine Harrell, Sgt. Patrick Bagwell, and Deputy Jordan Baker. 

The same course will be offered at White House High School on May 15 and again on June 3 for Fitness 1440 members.

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