Habits for Health

Naydia Mills


Naydia Mills


May 22, 2023

Habits for Health

Sometimes thinking about our health can be a daunting task. We live in a world where being busy is our full time hobby. We only try to accomplish “rest” while scrolling our phones or passively watching the latest Netflix series. For most of us, it’s easy to slide health to the back burner, finding reasons why we will get to it later. But later seems to be on a consistent pattern of snooze or is rescheduled for the rainy day that never comes.

Three years ago, in the middle of the pandemic, I decided to move my health to the front burner. Because of the pandemic, those burners were pretty empty. So, over the next three years I went on to lose over 100 pounds and changed almost everything about my life. I focused on nutrition, being in a healthy community, working with a health coach, hydration, and rest. With a simple plan, consistent focus, and accountability, I began to develop healthy habits that now make up a lot of the foundation of my life.

Improving your health doesn’t have to be complicated and overwhelming, so if you’re looking at summer with anxious hesitation, I’m here to share some hope and some habits that will help you move in the direction of a healthier you!


I can’t say enough about staying hydrated. In a January 2023 CivicScience poll, it was found that only 13% of Americans drink more than the recommended 8 glasses of water per day. During my health journey, I consumed a minimum of 64 ounces of water. Most people should aim to drink half their body weight in ounces of water each day. When the body doesn’t get enough water, it actually pulls used water to run your organs properly. That’s like pouring yesterday’s coffee back through the pot and pouring a cup. Gross!


There’s certainly a lot of debate about what to eat, how much to eat, and when, but what worked for me was eating like my kids. I began my day eating balanced protein and low-glycemic carbohydrates alongside healthy lower fats within 30-60 minutes of waking up, and then fueling my body again every 2-3 hours. I used to find it funny how often my kids would ask for snacks, and now we all snack together!


We may not regularly consider how much our mindset affects our health. Our brains control everything in our bodies, and the thoughts we think have a huge impact on our health. For 27 years I was a self-proclaimed night owl, hater of mornings, plus size woman who struggled with her health – and my life certainly reflected my own thoughts. As I have worked with my coach and gotten connected to a healthy community, I quickly began to realize that my thoughts matter. I now say things to myself like, “I am in pursuit of better health, and I make choices based on who I want to become.” It’s not a change that happens overnight, but it’s possible to develop that better thinking habit!


A lot of times in our culture we try to out-work our forks which doesn’t really work out in our favor. Nutrition has to come first, but no doubt movement has a place in health as well! On my journey I learned to enjoy movement for fun like playing with my kids at the park or taking a walk on the White House Greenway. I began embracing movement I enjoyed because of how it made me feel, both mentally and physically. Who knew just taking the stairs, parking further from the door or walking around when you talk on the phone can have such a profound impact on your life!


We often try to ignore our need for rest as humans. We think we can just pour another cup of caffeine, and it will get us through. But the reality is, we need rest and it’s not selfish to take it. Rest, at minimum, looks like 7-8 hours of consistent sleep (if you’re a new parent, better days are coming, I promise) but can also include activities you enjoy that fill your cup, downtime that isn’t scheduled minute to minute, and set time to reflect, journal, and express gratitude without a device.

If I learned anything from my journey, it’s that I had no idea the life I was missing out on by making unhealthy choices. Consistent, simple, healthy habits that you can pursue DAILY will help you move towards your goals in ways that are not only achievable but sustainable. There’s hope for health, my friends, and this summer is a perfect time to pursue your best self!

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