From Homeless to Philanthropist: Meet the Man Behind Home Street Home Ministries

Melissa Harper


Melissa Harper


Jun 17, 2023

From Homeless to Philanthropist: Meet the Man Behind Home Street Home Ministries

Steven Young, founder of the nonprofit organization Home Street Home Ministries, is making a big difference in the homeless community. Steven and his team have helped thousands of people on the streets over the past nine years. 

Home Street Home offers everything from basic supplies to rehabilitation to friendship for the homeless communities throughout Middle Tennessee. This misjudged group is incredibly special to Steve, who was once homeless for a period of time.

Steven did not expect his homeless situation to last long, but he found himself on the same corner selling The Contributor newspaper for five years. Throughout this time he found himself a recipient of many insults due to common misconceptions about homelessness.

“People would shout things like, ‘Get a real job!’ and I would reply, ‘Do you know anyone hiring!?’”

It wasn’t that Steven didn’t want a better job. He had applied and tried many times, but he had a criminal record from some past mistakes that he had long ago paid for, and this was a major roadblock for him. He felt dehumanized by the abuse he endured from passersby. Regardless, he showed up to that same spot day after day to try and save enough money to escape the terrible cycle he was trapped in.

One day he caught the attention of a man named Mike Dotson. Their first interaction was when Mike offered Steven a biscuit one morning when Steven was out selling the newspaper. The conversation was brief, but Mike kept coming back because he felt called to help Steve.

One day Mike asked if Steven would join him at his church Sunday morning, where he was a Deacon. When Steven didn’t show, Mike came back to check on him. He saw the light in Steven and continued to see him through his hard time, offering his friendship and support. After a year and a half of these interactions, Steven showed up at Mike's church one Sunday morning, completely unannounced.

That Sunday was the beginning of the turning point in Steven’s life. He accepted God and vowed to trust that He would deliver him out of homelessness.

Soon after, Steven was working a better job and was no longer homeless– but the story doesn’t end here.

Feeling the urge to help their friends still living on the streets, Steven and Mike worked to gather donations to disperse amongst the homeless community. Little did they know, this was the start of their nonprofit organization, Home Street Home Ministries. 

Today, Home Street Home Ministries is saving lives and helping those who are most vulnerable without judgment. They rely completely on the financial support from churches, corporate partners, and individual donors, and are the largest in-the-field outreach organization in the Greater Nashville area. 

The ministry aims to meet any needs the homeless may have. “Yes, our goal is to get them off the streets, but they have to survive until then. We provide clothing, camping supplies and more until their opportunity to move forward arrives,” their website states.

According to Steven, affordable housing and loss of income are the two most significant contributors to homelessness. “Our job is not to judge. Our job is not to figure out if someone deserves something. Our job is to lift the fallen, restore the broken, and heal the hurting,” he said.  

Mike's kindness and compassion literally altered the path of Steven’s life. Imagine how many other lives can be changed for the better by a simple act.

If you feel called to help someone experiencing homelessness, visit the Home Street Home’s website to volunteer and give back. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram where they regularly post amazing and positive stories from helping people in the field.

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