‘Fearless Leader’ Elain Cronister Helps Homeless Veterans, Non-Profits, and More

April Riddle


April Riddle


Nov 13, 2023

‘Fearless Leader’ Elain Cronister Helps Homeless Veterans, Non-Profits, and More

It is not often that a quick trip to the store ignites a passion to awaken a dormant community service group —yet that is precisely what happened to Elain Cronister.

In the autumn of 2014, Elain was shopping at Al’s Foodland when a group of veterans from the American Legion Post 206 in White House caught her attention outside the door. With a family history steeped in military service, her heart felt a connection to these men, and she stopped to talk to them about their fundraiser for a new flagpole.

After chatting for some time, they extended a warm invitation to an upcoming meeting. Elain became a regular attendee despite not having been a veteran herself, and her active participation and evident passion for service caught the attention of the group. 

In a few short months, they asked her to consider starting an American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) group as a way for local family members of American war veterans to serve the community as well as veterans, active military, and their families.

She agreed to help them get a group going. “I figured it would be for just a few months,” says Elain. 

Eight years later, Elain still finds herself serving in the group. She is the current president, the group’s representative at the White House Chamber of Commerce, and the ALA State of Tennessee chairman for Community Service.

“I think it is important to be involved in supporting our veterans any way we can, to give back to them, for protecting the freedom we enjoy every day,” says Elain. “I personally feel they are not given enough acknowledgement for what they have done and been through during their service to this country.”

Under Elain’s leadership, the group’s community involvement extends beyond the American Legion Post 206. They also collaborate with many groups in the community including White House’s Police and Fire Departments for their annual Shop with a Cop or Firefighter Event where they donate a box of food to each participating family, and they actively support His Children Foundation, a Christian non-profit, by providing a handmade quilt for every child in the program.

Elain’s commitment, drive, and leadership skills have inspired much good within the community and earned her respect amongst many over the past eight years. 

“Elain Cronister is our fearless leader,” says auxiliary group member Dottie Bogan. “She has so much passion and love for helping others and does so much for anyone in need.” 

Some current needs Elain and the ALA are trying to meet revolve around formerly homeless veterans living at Patriot Place, a sober living facility in nearby Madison. The group is fundraising money to purchase paper products and hygiene items to keep replenished for the residents throughout the year.

updated list of needs for Patriot Place

Additionally, this holiday season, the ALA hopes to also provide each of the 36 residents at Patriot Place with Christmas presents. While they have already begun to collect funds for this purpose, the ALA still needs more financial support to reach their goal. 

From the entire team at Stay Positive News, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Elain, the American Legion Post 206, the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 206 in White House, our honorable veterans, active military personnel, and their cherished families.

If you’d like to donate to help the ALA continue to do this good work, you can follow them on Facebook to connect or email Elain directly at alawhitehousetn@yahoo.com.

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