Father’s Day Highlight: James Elmore of Greenbrier

Jessica Collier


Jessica Collier


Jun 18, 2023

 Father’s Day Highlight: James Elmore of Greenbrier

Every man who becomes a father has a chance to become a real life superhero. They can open all the jars that we can’t budge, wipe the tears that will inevitably fall, and make us feel so safe that we are certain the monsters living under our bed are most definitely afraid of him

One particular Greenbrier man is not only a hero by trade, but a superhero to those closest to him.

James “Pooh” Elmore is an Engineer for the Nashville Fire Department and Captain of the Greenbrier Volunteer Fire Department. He is also the unofficial handyman at the OpenDoor Pregnancy Center and is a lawn care provider for those in need.

More importantly, he is a husband of 30 years to Shawn, father to Olivia (26), Belle (18), Mimi (8), and is Papa Pooh to one year old Leny.

His family describes him as a grillin ‘n’ smokin aficionado, rabid Tennessee Volunteers fan (Greenbrier Bobcats too), and well loved by all who know him.

“You know that quote, ‘look for the helpers?’” said his oldest, Olivia, referring to the famous quote said by Mister Rogers. “That’s him, through and through. I’m not just talking about his 30 years with the fire departments. That’s just how he lives his life.”  

It’s clear that Elmore lives a life of service to his family and his community, showing up whenever he’s needed in a superhero kind of way. That means a lot to his girls, especially Bella, who just finished up her senior year of high school

“He always makes time for us,” said Bella. “He is always there for any and every event. No matter what it takes, he's going to be there.” 

The girls admit that even though they are all three “high maintenance,” in their unique ways, he knows how to love them intentionally and individually. 

“He’s really funny,” said Mimi, smiling from ear to ear. “Yesterday he was playing ‘rocketship’ with Leny, and it was so silly.” 

Olivia says that it’s hard to pick a favorite childhood memory of her Dad, but there's one feeling that dominated her younger years. 

“When I was a kid, I felt special because everyone loved him,” Olivia said. “Everyone always wanted to be around him but WE were the ones who got to be his family.” 

Not only has Elmore been a good example of fatherhood for his girls, he also set a precedent to consider when choosing their future husbands. 

“When I was dating, I had a great example of what a biblical husband and father should be,” said Olivia. “He is a provider, he loves without condition, he’s a leader, and he loves my mom so much.”

Olivia eventually found a man worthy of her hand, and she will never forget the words James said to her on her wedding day. Olivia was a ball of nerves before walking down the aisle, and she recalls that just as her knees started to buckle beneath her, he steadied his grip on her arm and said: 

“I got you baby. I always have, and I always will. Always remember, I loved you first.” 

It comes with little surprise that James is also an incredible grandfather now. The family welcomed baby Leny earlier this year, and though it didn’t seem possible, Olivia has seen even more love grow from her Dad’s heart than ever before.

“The world stops spinning when she’s in the room with him,” laughed Olivia, adding that he is their primary caregiver while she and her husband are working and Papa Pooh isn’t fighting fires.

Most girls think their Daddy hung the moon, it’s true. He’s our first love. Our one true superhero. Our forever rock to lean on. The voice we hear in our head when life gets hard, and the standard by which we judge all other men. 

On behalf of your girls, Pooh, I’d like to say thank you for being the example they need, filling their hearts with love and their minds with confidence, for being silly and for being there, for loving their Momma just like you should, but most of all thank you for just being you. 

Today we want to celebrate all of the real life superhero Dads, Grandfathers, and Father Figures in our community. Happy Father’s Day, everyone!

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