Bryant Leaves Lasting Legacy Coaching White House High Boys Basketball

Jessica Collier


Jessica Collier


Mar 11, 2024

Bryant Leaves Lasting Legacy Coaching White House High Boys Basketball

“Friends are the family you choose.” - Jess C. Scott

In 1979, the White House High School boys basketball team, led by Coach Deanie Bryant, finished its record-breaking season at an all-time high, winning 27 games and cementing a bond that has lasted over four decades. 

A few times a year, the team revisits their proverbial huddle to play catch-up and, more importantly, spend time with Coach Bryant. The gatherings, hosted by Cliff and Fran Hutson, are attended by other former players as well. Even though their graduation years differ, they all seem to have one thing in common — a love and respect for their coach.  

“Each of us would have a different answer as to why he made such an impact on us, “ says former player Terry Chamberlain. “He was so good on an individual level, making people feel important.”

Coach Bryant says he knew early on that the ‘79 team was going to be exceptional.

“Middle school on up, I knew they were special,” says Coach Bryant. “They were good kids with good parents. They liked each other, too.” 

Coach Bryant just celebrated his 84th birthday, making the most recent get together even more special.

“I don’t know that he’s ever gotten the appreciation for what he did.” says Terry. “He deserves so much recognition for what he put into that program, and in doing that put it into all the kids he coached.”

Terry, a father of four boys, says his time under Coach Bryant taught lessons he’s still applying to this day. 

“He coached us hard during practice, and during the game he doesn’t have to do much coaching,” said Terry. “I’ve taken that into life in general, just allowing my kids to do what I taught them to do. I will always look back to that part of my life and say that’s where I learned that. At some point, you have to take responsibility for your decisions and I passed that on to my kids.”

It’s hard to say who benefits more from the continued relationship, but both Coach Bryant and his players seem to think they are all reaping the most rewards. 

“It’s a great feeling, sitting around having good food and conversations,” Coach Bryant says. “I’ve coached a lot of guys who have turned out pretty good.” 

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