Advice Column: Truth Be Told with Ms. Mabel





Feb 15, 2024

Advice Column: Truth Be Told with Ms. Mabel

Dear Ms. Mabel,

I’ve asked everyone else in my life but still don’t have a good answer. What do you think I should get my husband for Valentine's Day? We got married last fall, and I want to make our first married Valentine’s Day special, but all of my ideas are just meh. Please tell me you have something original and unique. 

Stumped spouse,

White House, TN

Oh good grief. Get the man the SAME thing he wants every other day of the year! All day. Every DAY. 

Wrap it up in a big red bow if you got to (or a little one, depending on what you’re working with).  But I’m here to tell you, little sister, men are real easy to please. It ain't that complicated, unless you make it that way. 

OK, here’s exactly what to do…

Run up to the store and grab two big steaks. Pay attention that there’s lots of fat marbling. 

That’s it.

What? Did y’all think I was talking about something else besides making her man a steak dinner?

Truth be told, some of y’all need to get your mind out of the gutter. 

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