Advice Column: Truth Be Told with Ms. Mabel





Feb 15, 2024

Advice Column: Truth Be Told with Ms. Mabel

Dear Mabel, 

The Christmas season hasn’t even started yet and I’m already tired. It seems like there’s something to be done every hour of every day in December. Between my family and my in-laws, there’s SO many family gatherings. That’s on top of the work parties, the kids’ school stuff and a couple of friend parties. I really want to scale back on the family get-togethers since we’re basically seeing the same people over and over again. My husband doesn’t like the idea. Am I totally wrong?


Portland, TN

Why are y’all always coming to me trying to settle disputes with your husbands? One of these days, you’re going to get me in trouble. 

Anyways, truth be told, this is going to be my most unpopular column yet. I feel like this is a common theme among you young folk. Always talking about doing what’s best for you and this and that. Well you know what, I’m all for taking care of yourself, emotionally and physically. I mean that. It’s a real good thing to know your limits. But, my goodness, are you really that fragile? 

It’s a few weeks out of the year and it ain’t going to kill you. I promise. 

I’m going to spare you the anecdotal story today, but I want to set a few things straight. I can’t make any promises but I’ll do my best not to make you feel like a shameful piece of dog dookie in the process. 

I won’t detail the times I’ve unknowingly shared a “last” holiday with someone and how precious those memories are to me still, but I will remind you that nothing on this side of heaven is guaranteed to last. Also, that first holiday without a lost loved one does a lot to change your perspective on what is worth your time. Get ahead of that guilt, trust me. 

I will agree with you, all that running around during the holidays is tiresome. 

But also, say that you are looking at it the wrong way. There’s two kinds of tired, I think. There’s the bone-tired, been working all day, can’t hold my eyes open a moment longer exhausted. And then there’s deliriously silly, my whole body hurts but I would do it all over again tired. My holiday gatherings have dwindled down to only two parties and I’d love nothing more than to be the good kinda tired again. 

I’m not going to say you are selfish for wanting to enjoy your holiday as well, but I AM going to remind you that it ain't all about you. 

Think back to your own childhood. How many presents do you remember from Christmas mornings past? Now, how many more memories do you have involving family dinners and parties? A LOT more, I’d venture to guess. And what about the older folks who only have so many opportunities to make memories with your kiddos? 

Furthermore, what are you planning on doing instead? Laying on the couch and watching Hallmark movies? You already know good and darn well the main character is going to break up with her big-city boyfriend and move back to her hometown because she’s finally figured out what is important. 

Now's the time for you to figure it out, too. Stop with this whole “woe is me” nonsense about having too much to do and BE THANKFUL you’re too busy. Honestly, how many people would KILL to have the same problem? 

Just chill out and enjoy the ride. Learn the power nap. Or drink copious amounts of caffeine. I don’t care. Just SHOW UP for what the Lord has blessed you with. 

Now listen, don’t be mad at me for saying what needed to be said. At the end of the day, do what makes you happy, but just make sure it’s making you happy for the right reasons. Don’t make yourself miserable. If you need to scale things back, then do so. 

Just make sure you’re letting go of the truly lesser important things.  

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