“A Day For Good” Serves Many; Woman Gifted New Car

Sarah Ricciardi


Sarah Ricciardi


Aug 7, 2023

“A Day For Good” Serves Many; Woman Gifted New Car

“It was a powerful, awesome, really, really cool day!” declared Pastor Steve Cunningham. 

“A Day For Good,” facilitated by Pastor Steve and Well House Church in Madison, TN, lived out its name. Held Saturday July 29, the day involved 107 volunteers logging 321 sweaty hours of service. 

Together they spanned out into the Madison community, working at multiple sites all with the intent to “be the good we want to see.” Volunteers served at three Goodlettsville schools, assisting them in getting ready for their new year; Bookdale Senior Living facility where some played Bingo and visited with its residents and others spruced up the courtyard; Keely’s Friends Dog Rescue where they gave immunizations, fixed broken concrete, bathed dogs, and cleaned out kennels; Foster Family Assistance Network where they sorted and cleaned donations; and The Goodlettsville Fire and Police departments where they brought treats, fresh watermelon, thank you cards, and banners to the community’s first responders.

The good done that day was as varied as the people doing it. “Last year was our first year doing this,” said Pastor Steve. “We had about 57 volunteers, 3 business sponsors, and we served at two locations.” With a lot of thought, effort, and determination, Pastor Steve and the church more than doubled their areas of impact. 

They were able to do this by partnering with local business sponsors, PTO’s, the Goodlettsville Chamber, Stay Positive News, and other area churches to make a collective effort.

Pastor Steve credits God with the growth. “All of a sudden God was opening doors of connection to other people and opportunities. The more need we had, the more we thought, ‘How are we going to do all this?’ Then God opened it up for more help, more people coming in and wanting to be a part of this. We even had an anonymous donor step in at the last minute.” 

A feat that took over $10,000 to accomplish, every person and every donation was needed and appreciated. “It really was incredible,” said Pastor Steve. “A lot of people have looked at me and said thanks, but this really is a God thing. He propelled it.”

In addition to the incredible volunteer efforts, there was one more surprise at the end of the day, and it was a BIG one! The volunteer group threw an epic graduation party honoring Well House member, Cassandra. She’s a single mom of three who had been walking two miles to work every morning while finishing her college degree. The community wanted to rally behind her by blessing her with a graduation party and gift that she was more than deserving of.

Cassandra’s new work schedule almost prevented her from attending her surprise party, but with some quick thinking and a couple phone calls for help, Pastor Steve was able to get in touch with her bosses at Whataburger and bring them in on the plan. They ended up donating 100 burgers, drove her to the party, and paid for her time there. 

Upon arrival, Cassandra was first welcomed in the gym by the large group as they yelled, “Surprise!” and then was ushered out the door to see a beautiful, red Hyundai Elantra with a big bow on it—a combined donation made by Hyundai Hallmark and event sponsors. 

Cassandra nearly doubled over in shock and gratitude as she realized what was happening. She could barely speak as the tears came down her face, but she managed to give many hugs and smiles to everyone around her. Her son James and daughter Mary would say, “Thank you so much for our car!” multiple times that weekend.

“A Day For Good” culminated in celebrating one person. It’s a reminder that when we choose to invest in one person, the impact reaches beyond that one to their one. When we choose to join hands and invest intentional time together, the one becomes the many and grows into an enriched community. One might even say it becomes “A powerful, awesome, really, really cool” place to call home. For more information on Well House Church please visit www.wellhouse.church.

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